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Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployments with Envoyer

Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployments? Yes, it’s possible – with Envoyer.


And now, let’s go through what we know right now.



Magento 2 Zero Downtime Deployments

Do you hate to see when your Magento 2 store is broken or is in maintenance mode while running Magento 2 deployment commands? Yes? That’s great. We found a solution, that will help you with this pain.


With Magento 1, deployments were a lot easier. For example, no setup:upgrade command or setup:static-content: deploy was necessary to deploy code for a website. We only needed to pull in the changes, flush the Magento cache and we were ready to go.


With Magento 2, things are a little bit different.


Magento 2 offers significant improvements over Magento 1 in many areas, with one particular highlight being the ability to manage your code with the composer. As a result, deploying sites managed with the composer requires a little more configuration on the code deployment side since we need to resolve the composer dependencies at deploy time.


For every newly installed or updated module, we now have to run setup:upgrade, compile code and take a few other final steps. This process often makes the store either slow or unavailable for a while.


For sure, the length of time your production site is in maintenance mode depends on the size of the site, the number of changes applied during the deployment, and the configuration for static content deployment.


We, at MageCloud, have been working with Magento since Magento 1.0. And after Magento 2.0 release, we’ve tried different approaches to develop a process that allows us to deploy at any time, any day, without any problem.


And, finally, we found a proper solution to prevent downtime during deployment that may be lengthy in some cases.


The solution is Envoyer, a zero-downtime deployment tool for PHP applications.



What is Envoyer?

Envoyer is a deployment tool used to deploy PHP applications. In other words, Envoyer allows us to deploy code changes quickly and without any downtime. The changes are made available once the build is complete, without impacting the active codebase. In short, this means that your application and the customers using it are not even aware of the fact that a new version has been pushed.


Envoyer works well with major repository management platforms such as GitLab and Bitbucket. Other benefits include unlimited deployments and team members.



Let’s have a closer look at Envoyer’s integration with Bitbucket – check out our article on



To sum up, if you haven’t tried Envoyer yet –  give it a shot now!




If you need a hand maintaining and optimizing your Magento website, please contact us to start discussing your requirements.


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